
The Schallaburg season ticket

© Rupert Pessl
Would you like to visit Schallaburg Castle several times during the season?

Your SchallaCard... you unlimited entry for one season

Would you like to visit the KunstWerkTage and the Lower Austrian Family Festival? Go through the exhibition several times? Explore the last secret corners of Schallaburg Castle?

If one day at Schallaburg Castle is not enough for you, choose our SchallaCard - the Schallaburg Castle season ticket. With the SchallaCard you get a whole season of unlimited Schallaburg experiences - from the exhibition ‘DREAMS ... DREAMING - sleeping, awake & visionary’, leisure activities & oases of peace in the garden and numerous events. Enjoy further benefits during your visit to Schallaburg Castle with your SchallaCard.

Buy your SchallaCard online now and enjoy a season of unlimited Schallaburg experiences for just € 26.00.

The SchallaCard is a personalised season ticket. If you would like to give a gift to other people, we recommend purchasing a voucher

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